Friday, November 26, 2021

Cooking Pizzas!

 Buenos Dias Bloggers!

Yesterday we had a cooking session with Miss Walliss the cooking teacher. We made Pizzas! We made the dough in the morning so it had time to rise. Then after morning tea we made our Pizzas! I put canned spaghetti, mushrooms and cheese on my pizza. Here are some photos from our pizza making!

What do you put on your pizza?
Blog you later!

Thursday, November 25, 2021


  Hola Fellow Bloggers!

Today (Tuesday) me and my class had our first swimming session after lock-down! We learnt a new game were our teacher called out different instructions and we had to follow them. You might have played it in a hall? It is one where you have to do chores and go to places on a ship. It was so much fun! Me and my best friend did quite well! We also played tag with pool noodles which turned into a duel! Another thing we did was we had to find sinking toys that our teacher threw into the pool while we weren't looking. Next time I would probably ask my teacher to take photos so I could show you guys!

Are you guys swimming again?

Blog you later!

Kia Ora Bloggers!

I know this is weird having 2 Blog posts in one, But on Wednesday we had another lesson and Miss took photos! Here they are. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Learning a new game!

 The pick-up-straws game!

Kia Ora Bloggers!

Yesterday my school allowed us to come back and do in-class learning! Is your school doing that? Are you back in class?

Anyway, We were making posters about being safe under Level 3 restrictions at school but after a while we got kind of bored! Our teacher made us put our chairs and tables around the edge of the class. At the back of the class there were 2 tables. On these tables she put 4 cups. By each cup she put 4 straws and 1 plastic fork. We had to speed walk and try and put 1 straw on each fork prong 1 handed!

Here are some photos of how it went:

Hope you enjoy playing! Has anyone played anything similar? 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Law and Order Pick-a-path!

 Kia Ora Bloggers!

Yesterday, My Teacher gave us a task. This task was to make a Pick-a-path on Law and Order. We had been learning about how laws are made so that was our subject. 

I thought you might like to test you knowledge, So here is my one! There are 8 questions. 

Can you do it?

How many did you get right on the first try?
Can you give me any tips on what I can do better?

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Cybersmart Pick-a-paths!

 Malo e lelei Bloggers!

Today me and my Best friend made a Pick-a-path for Cyber-smart.

Are you up for the challenge? There are 12 questions. All the questions are on animal breeds so I hope you have done your research! Enjoy!

Did you get them all right?
Have you ever done a pick-a-path before?

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Animation Sensation!

 Buenos Dias My Fellow Bloggers!

Today (Yes, It is Saturday...) I did my animation that was set for us on Thursday. It is due by Monday so I thought I would do it now. I made an animation on Google slides then I made the music on Chrome music experiences. 

Can you give me any tips on making it better? 
Any tips welcome!

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Room 8's got talent!

 Buenos Dias Bloggers!

Last Friday my class had a mini talent show. It was so much fun and full of laughs. 

For my talent I sang Lorde's song Team. It is one of my favorite songs and one of the ones I know the lyrics really well. I came tied second! 

Does anyone know any tips for getting better at singing? If you do please comment suggestions!

Blog you later!

Friday, August 20, 2021

Lockdown #!5

Welcome back to lockdown New Zealand! 

Welp. Here we go again. New Zealand is officially back in level 4 again. As you probably know there are a couple of cases of the delta variant of covid-19 in the community.😶Which, as you probably know, is not a good thing.

A bit about the delta variant. It is more transmissible (it spreads easier). It is also more likely to make you more seriously sick🤧

Basically, stay at home, follow the rules, and don't get you or someone else sick😷.

Hope you guys stay safe! Happy blogging!😊 

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Cyber-smart Poem T1 W9

 Hiya Bloggers!

Today I made a poem and  I had to use someone elses art for the back so i used my best-friends art. Here it is! 

Sorry the Poem is so bad I am not very good at writing Poems! Please give me some feedback! Do you have any tips for me?

Tuesday, March 30, 2021



Today we filmed PB4L video Adverts. That's right, we filmed ads. PB4L stands for Positive Behaviour for Learning. I had so much fun doing the video with Kody, Junior, PJ and Nathaniel. They also had alot of fun. To make sure it is not misuderstood, THERE IS NO SWEARING. It is just easily misunderstood.

Enjoy! Is there anything I could do to make it better?

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Cyber-smart T1 W7

Kia Ora Bloggers!

Welcome to my blog and to some of you welcome back! I had  visit to hell today making this video for you guys. Please give me some feedback on how to make it better. here is my video! 

Hope you enjoy!

Friday, March 12, 2021

Te Reo Maori!

 Kia Ora fellow bloggers!

How are all of you? A couple of das ago we did Te Reo Maori and I decided to share my google drawing. (it is terrible. I know.) So here it is!

Please enjoy and also, could you guys be so kind to leave me greeting ideas? I'm running out!!
Maybe you guys could have a go doing this sort of thing?

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Cyber-smart T1 W6!

 Kia Ora Fellow bloggers how have you been?

Today we had Cyber-smart again and we made safe passwords. To do this we rolled dice and then the numbers contributed to words and then we muddled them up and made new passwords. Here was the resulting work. I worked with Natalia.









Password: birdsmashwall.

Modified password: B1rdsMa$hwaL!









Password: blobscreenshout

Modified password: b10BsCr33n$h0uT









Password: mightydoorsmash

Modified Password: m1ghTyd00rsMa$h

Sorry that it is not embedded but if it was embedded it would be tiny.

Like this.

Sorry again.
Thats all for now! See you later!
P.S. please tell me how to make the embedded doc bigger.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Cybersmart T1 W4!

 Hola Fellow bloggers!

How are you? Been busy posting? Today me and my best friend Natalia worked together to make a set of slides. We made our own digital dig!

I thought you would enjoy it so I decided to post it! Here it is!

>>Please enjoy and check out Natalia's blog!
Also please give me new greeting ideas! I am running out!!

Thursday, February 18, 2021



Welcome back!

This is just a post to say welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy my posts!

My name is Lucy and I blog after cyber-smart and sometimes after writing. I love reading and Chickens. You will probably find some goofy things on my blog as I love a bit of fun.

 I tend to include aliens and chickens in some of my posts so keep an eye out for them! Coment if you see any sneaky aliens or Chickens sneaking into my DLOs.

I will try to get rid of them but they can be quite annoying and tricky to get rid of.

Thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy my blog!

Cyber-smart T1 W3

 Hola Fellow bloggers!!

How have you all been over the school holidays? Today we had our first Cyber-smart lesson of 2021! We learnt about the Kawa of Care. Me and my best friend Natalia worked together to make a pick a path slide set. I thought you would enjoy it so here it is!!

Tell me if you found it hard!
Is there anything I should change?