Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Well maybe not that much but still way to much!! In math we are doing statistics and making pie graphs.
Here is my column graph on total medals won in the 2016 Summer Olympics. (Top 20 on the ranks only. Sorry.)

(The letters down the bottom of the graph are the country's name in abbreviation by the way.)

Here is my pie graph on gold medals....... (same Olympics!)

 I learnt that THE USA IS STEALING ALL THE MEDALS!! Also I learnt that you can put a pie chart and column graph on a spreadsheet something I didn't know you could do. My next steps are probably to make a more detailed graph with more info on it.

So here's what I have been doing in math! What have you bloggers been doing?

I have a question. Who here is a human? 'Cause if so, nothing odd going on here............
Totally not an alien from #^%$&!......