Friday, November 26, 2021

Cooking Pizzas!

 Buenos Dias Bloggers!

Yesterday we had a cooking session with Miss Walliss the cooking teacher. We made Pizzas! We made the dough in the morning so it had time to rise. Then after morning tea we made our Pizzas! I put canned spaghetti, mushrooms and cheese on my pizza. Here are some photos from our pizza making!

What do you put on your pizza?
Blog you later!


  1. Hey Lucy, it's me Dassah. I actually really loved what toppings you added for your pizza, it was really creative because I haven't seen anyone add spaghetti on their pizza haha. If I'm being honest I really like how you created your blogging and there was actually nothing wrong with it. Keep it up Lucy !

  2. Hi Lucy,
    Do you remember me? I am from new windsor school and I came for a visit at wesley intermediate and I was your partner in cooking,We were cooking brownies! Your pizzas look sooo good! On my pizza I like to put mushrooms and cheese on it. What do you like?


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