Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Arty Cyber-smart!

 Hello bloggers! 

Today was our last cyber-smart lesson and we pretty much made our own version of famous artworks . I did the one with the big wave. This one.

We used a website called Art Coloring book.
You need to be careful not to pick colors that clash unless it is the look you want. This is my version of the one above.

Feel free to try out the link, its awesome!
What do you think. What colors should I use next time?

Monday, November 16, 2020

Video time!

 Hola blogger pals! 

Today in the afternoon we had filming. Me and my group did this one. (we all had to do the same video...). 

So here it is.


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Cyber-smart - creating media

 Hi fellow bloggers!

Today we did creating media for cyber-smart. My group made a video about why you should come to Wesley intermediate. Here it is.

We also made a slide to here it is.............

Hope you enjoy!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Interesting. (Slightly)

I'm kidding. THIS IS HILARIOUS!!

Anyway, Today we were doing cyber-smart and we made fake news. I made 2 of them but I'm just including my favorite.

First of all, here is the slide we learnt from.

And here is the DLO!

What do you think. Would you believe this?
Thanks for reading!
P.S this is not me in the photo I asked my friend for permission to use it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Cyber-smart week 3, Term 4, Wednesday 28th October 2020

 Hi fellow bloggers!

Today we did cyber-smart and we made news articles! I did my one on Halloween. If you have any ideas or feed-back please comment it!

Enjoy your Halloween!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Cyber-smart Term 4, week 2

 What is media.

That is our Cyber-smart subject today. I learnt there are 3 types of media. Printed, Broadcasted and online media. I made a poster on Canva to show what I learnt. Enjoy!

What is media by Lucy Richardson


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Cyber space Cyber-smart!

Here is my google drawing about how i changed my blog post to make it a good quality blog post.
Here it is!

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Well maybe not that much but still way to much!! In math we are doing statistics and making pie graphs.
Here is my column graph on total medals won in the 2016 Summer Olympics. (Top 20 on the ranks only. Sorry.)

(The letters down the bottom of the graph are the country's name in abbreviation by the way.)

Here is my pie graph on gold medals....... (same Olympics!)

 I learnt that THE USA IS STEALING ALL THE MEDALS!! Also I learnt that you can put a pie chart and column graph on a spreadsheet something I didn't know you could do. My next steps are probably to make a more detailed graph with more info on it.

So here's what I have been doing in math! What have you bloggers been doing?

I have a question. Who here is a human? 'Cause if so, nothing odd going on here............
Totally not an alien from #^%$&!......