Friday, November 26, 2021

Cooking Pizzas!

 Buenos Dias Bloggers!

Yesterday we had a cooking session with Miss Walliss the cooking teacher. We made Pizzas! We made the dough in the morning so it had time to rise. Then after morning tea we made our Pizzas! I put canned spaghetti, mushrooms and cheese on my pizza. Here are some photos from our pizza making!

What do you put on your pizza?
Blog you later!

Thursday, November 25, 2021


  Hola Fellow Bloggers!

Today (Tuesday) me and my class had our first swimming session after lock-down! We learnt a new game were our teacher called out different instructions and we had to follow them. You might have played it in a hall? It is one where you have to do chores and go to places on a ship. It was so much fun! Me and my best friend did quite well! We also played tag with pool noodles which turned into a duel! Another thing we did was we had to find sinking toys that our teacher threw into the pool while we weren't looking. Next time I would probably ask my teacher to take photos so I could show you guys!

Are you guys swimming again?

Blog you later!

Kia Ora Bloggers!

I know this is weird having 2 Blog posts in one, But on Wednesday we had another lesson and Miss took photos! Here they are. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Learning a new game!

 The pick-up-straws game!

Kia Ora Bloggers!

Yesterday my school allowed us to come back and do in-class learning! Is your school doing that? Are you back in class?

Anyway, We were making posters about being safe under Level 3 restrictions at school but after a while we got kind of bored! Our teacher made us put our chairs and tables around the edge of the class. At the back of the class there were 2 tables. On these tables she put 4 cups. By each cup she put 4 straws and 1 plastic fork. We had to speed walk and try and put 1 straw on each fork prong 1 handed!

Here are some photos of how it went:

Hope you enjoy playing! Has anyone played anything similar?